Chapter 291 Battle for the Cowl (The End)

Fortunately, Feng Bujue drank the Survival Value Supplement before the skill, which made him survived, otherwise he would probably die due to overload. However, his Stamina Value still returned to zero, and he immediately felt deprivation of his whole body and fell down uncontrollably. At the same time, the powerful of Cero had completely dispelled …

Continue reading Chapter 291 Battle for the Cowl (The End)

Chapter 290 Battle for the Cowl (32)

"Can’t it be talent?" Feng Bujue replied. "Oh? I think... it's more reasonable to explain it with some kind of persistent passive skills," Seven Kill shrugged, "but... since you don't want to say more, just forget it." He paused, then continued: "Let's get back to the truth, I can see that unless I stand still …

Continue reading Chapter 290 Battle for the Cowl (32)

Chapter 286 Battle for the Cowl (28)

"Oracle, can you hear it? Oracle?" Damian shouted several times but did not get any answer. He wondered in his heart: Is my radio broken? "Damian." Suddenly, Nightwing’s voice sounded. "Hey, what happened, Dick? Where’s Oracle?" Damian said. "Someone attacked the Bat Cave," Damian replied. "What!" Not only Damian, but other heroes who heard it …

Continue reading Chapter 286 Battle for the Cowl (28)